55 research outputs found

    Advertising strategy for company producing handmade weave carpets

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    katedra: KHT; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 42Tato bakalářská práce má za cíl zjištění dostupných možností v reklamní strategii a tím následné zvýšení prodeje pro malou textilní firmu zabývající se výrobou ručně tkaného bytového textilu. Teoretická část práce se věnuje základním informacím o kobercích, jejich historii, rozdělení, používaných materiálech, vhodnosti použití, kritériím výběru a způsobu výroby. Praktická část je zaměřena na volbu a seznámení se s textilní firmou vyrábějící převážně ručně tkané koberce. Na marketingový výzkum o povědomí zákazníků o vybrané firmě. A na reklamní strategii, která by zvýšila prodej a povědomí o firmě a jejich výrobcích.This bachelor work has object investigation accessible possibilities in advertising strategy and consequently increase sale for small textile company which deals with production of handmade weave flat textiles. The theoretical part of this work devotes on basic information about carpets, their history, classification, used materials, suited use, criteria of selection and ways of production. The practical part is intent on choosing and gets acquainting with the textile company, which mostly produce handmade weave carpets. A marketing research aimed at customer's knowledge about the choose company. And advertising strategy, which increase sale and awareness of the company and their products

    The Main Tendencies in the German Political Drama with an Emphasis on the Contemporary Drama

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    Ve své disertační práci analyzuje současné politické drama v Německu a zároveň reflektuji proměny politického dramatu (a divadla) v německém prostředí od 20. let 20. století, kdy tento fenomén vzniká. Pojem politické divadlo (politisches Theater) je však problematické vymezit. V předkládané práci rozumím pojmy politické drama / divadlo - mj. v intencích Pavisovy a Lehmannovy definice - takové, které v užším smyslu navazují na angažované apelativní levicově (antikapitalisticky) orientované divadlo v linii piscatorovsko-brechtovské a zároveň je chápu v širším smyslu jako drama / divadlo společensko-kritické, tj. týkající se problémů dnešní "polis" (obce, státu). V současné německé politické dramatice lze vysledovat obě naznačené tendence. Na první linii (apelativní) navazují svojí tvorbou především dramatici a režiséři Falk Richter a René Pollesch, na druhou (společensko-kritickou) Dea Loher, Marius von Mayenburg, Theresia Walser či Felicia Zeller.In my thesis, I analyse the current German political drama. However, the term political drama or theatre is difficult to define in general. In my work, I understand the concepts of political drama / theatre in the narrower sense, follow the engaged, appellative, left-wing (anti-capitalist) oriented the- atre of E. Piscator and Brecht, and at the same, in the broader sense, as socio-critical drama / theatre, i.e. relating to the problems of today's "polis" (city, state) and following mainly the tradition of new German and Austrian folk plays. In contemporary German political drama, the two trends outlined in the introduction can be traced. In their works, the first line (left-wing appellative) is followed mainly by playwrights and directors F. Richter and R. Pollesch, the other line (socio-critical) by D. Loher, O. Bukowski, T. Walser, or M. von Mayenburg.Departement of Theatre StudiesKatedra divadelní vědyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Optimization of Material Flow and Workplace Arrangement in Company ABB s.r.o.

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou materiálového toku a pracoviště ve společnosti ABB s.r.o. Na základě Sankeyova diagramu a procesní analýzy jsou vytvořeny návrhy na zlepšení dosavadních činností ve společnosti tak, aby se výrobní procesy zefektivnily a vedly časové a finanční úspoře.This thesis analyzes the material flow and layout of the workplace at ABB Ltd. Based on Sankeyova diagram and process analysis are developed proposals to improve existing activities in society so as to streamline manufacturing processes and lead time and cost savings.

    The Material Flow Production System Analysis and Improvement Proposals

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na analýzu materiálového toku výrobního systému v podniku ABB s.r.o. a návrhy na zlepšení. Práce se skládá z teoretické, analytické a návrhové části. Teoretická část obsahuje základní pojmy výroby. V analytické části na základě teoretických poznatků je popsán nynější stav ve výrobních prostorách firmy. V závěrečné části jsou navrhnuta řešení, která napomohou ke zlepšení chodu firmy.This thesis focuses on the analysis material flow of the production system at ABB Ltd. and suggestions for improvements. The work consists of theoretical, analytical and design parts. The theoretical part contains the basic concepts of production. In the analytical part, there is described a current situation in production areas of the company on the basis of theoretical knowledge. In the final part, the solutions are designed to help improve the business.

    Myth of Faust by Jan Švankmajer in the theatre and the film

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    Práce dokumentuje i kriticky hodnotí divadelní a filmovou tvorbu známého režiséra a scénáristy Jana Švankmajera, a to z hlediska jeho zpracování faustovského mýtu. Práce se zabývá především jeho třemi ranými divadelními inscenacemi z počátku šedesátých let v divadle Semafor (dvě z nich - Johanes doktor Faust a Sběratel stínů - mají přímou vazbu na faustovský mýtus) a Švankmajerovým druhým celovečerním filmem Lekce Faust, který je vlastně shrnutím předešlých faustovských motivů i jejich osobitou interpretací. Úvodní kapitola se podrobně věnuje vývoji faustovského mýtu a jeho hlavním atributům. Jejich znalost je pak nutná pro další výklad a rozbor Švankmajerových pokusů o zpracování tohoto tématu.This diploma project summarizes and evaluates theatre and film writings of a well-known director and scriptwriter Jan Švankmajer. It focuses only on faustian myth in his writings.The project deals particularly with his three early theatre productions from the beginning of sixties in the theatre Semafor ( two of them - Johannes doktor Faust a Sběratel stínů - are directly connected to faustian myth) and his second feature film Lekce Faust. In fact, this film is actually a summary of his earlier faustian themes and their distinctive interpretation. The introductory chapter deals in detail with the development of faustian myth and his main attributes.Their knowledge is necessary for futher commentary and analysis of Švankmajer's efforts to work on this theme.Departement of Theatre StudiesKatedra divadelní vědyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    The potential of medical device industry in technological and economical context

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    The high quality of public health improves not only healthy life expectancy, but also the productivity of labor. The most important part of the health care sector is the medical technology industry. The aim of this study is to analyze the current situation in the medical device industry in Europe, its potential strengths and weaknesses in the context of topical economic and demographic development. The contribution specifies an analysis of the economic state of the medical device industry in the context of demographic development of European Union's macroeconomic indicators and views of experts in the field of medical device development, concerning the opportunities for entities involved in the medical device market. There is fierce competition on the European market. The innovative activity is stable and well regulated by responsible authorities. Worldwide, the medical device market is expected to grow.Web of Science111514150

    Economic methods used in health technology assessment

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    Early decision-making process about the development of a new product is essential for any company in order to gain relevant financial returns and thus prosper. Therefore, managers need to have at their disposal appropriate assessment tools which assist them in their decisions about the development of the new product and guarantee that their product will generate a desirable profit. The purpose of this review focuses on the exploration of the methodology, commonly used in the economic evaluation as part of health technology assessment for medical devices. On the basis of the selected original studies, the authors summarize the main methods used in the decision-making processes about the development of new medical devices and discuss their benefits and limitations. The methods employed in this study include a method of literature search in the databases Web of Science, MEDLINE, and Embase, and a method of comparison and evaluation of the results. The findings of this study indicate that the most preferred methods used in the economic evaluations of medical device development are cost-utility analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. In addition, the Headroom Method is recommended to be used in the early assessment of the medical device development since it uses broader estimates of potential by determining the maximum reimbursable price of the new device. Selection of each method then depends on the research question, the condition of interest, and the availability of data on outcomes. There is an urgent need to conduct the early assessment of the medical device development in order to avoid negatively high costs and prevent a failure rate at each stage of the development process

    Complexity stage model of the medical device development based on economic evaluation-MedDee

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    The development of a new product is essential for the progress and success of any company. The medical device market is very specific, which is challenging. Therefore, this paper assesses an economic model for medical device evaluation using the economic, health, technology regulatory, and present market knowledge to enable the cost-time conception for any applicant. The purpose of this study is to propose a comprehensive stage model of the medical device development to subsequently describe the financial expenditure of the entire development process. The identification of critical steps was based on the literature review, and analysis, and a comparison of the available medical device development stages and directives. Furthermore, a preliminary assessment of the medical device development steps and procedures on the basis of the interviews was performed. Six interviews were conducted with an average duration of one hour, focusing on areas: relevance and level of detail of the medical device development stages, involvement of economic methods, and applicability of the proposed model. Subsequently, the improvement and modification of the medical device investment process, based on respondents' responses, were conducted. The authors have proposed the complexity model MedDee-Medical Devices Development by Economic Evaluation. This model is comprised of six phases: initiation, concept, design, production, final verification, and market disposition in which the economic methods are incorporated.Web of Science125art. no. 175